cooking classes in d'aosta, italy

Cookery Schools and Courses in Valle d'Aosta

Italian Language Schools     Scuole d'Italiano per Stranieri     Italienisch-Sprachschulen und Kurse in Italien     Σχολείο Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Μαθήματα στην Ιταλία

Course of Typical Salentina Kitchen

Select the school where you want to attend your Italian Cooking Course in Aosta Valley

The regional food of the Aosta Valley is hearty, creative and composed of authentic flavors. Some regional specialties are carbonada, (stewed meat with wine, onions and spices), and mocetta (dried beef or ibex seasoned with mountain herbs).


Salami is another delicacy to taste, as is the wonderful Arnad lard, a type of Aosta Valley sausage cooked with boiled potatoes, lard, seasoning, and the reputed Bosses ham.

Valle d'Aosta Recipes

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